Tuesday, June 21, 2011


happy first day of summer! it's my first full day without anything on my schedule, and i'm itching already for something extra. i feel the need to be inspired and create. it's interesting how my mind maintains this inverse relationship of structure and creativity. now that the structure is gone, my creative juices want to start flowing!
a few people have suggested that i move forward with photography, and i honestly love the idea. i have a fairly new camera that i am in love with, and it would be a pretty low-cost project, seeing that i have the tools already. but what to do? a simple googling of 'photography projects' has helped my narrow things down. here are some ideas for photo projects that i'm thinking about.
-365 project: pretty self explanatory. a picture a day for a year. could be of myself or of a theme. i also thought of making this less daunting by starting with summer only, since this is the first day of summer.
-A-Z project: photographing things that begin with letters of the alphabet or that look like letters of the alphabet
-Pick-a-something: spend a day photographing all of one thing, or all one color

I'll probably come up with my own project that's a hodge podge of those suggestions. i'd like to have a single photo or photo set for every day of the summer, either with a big overarching thing, or a theme per day. suggestions??

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